Sunday, October 18, 2009

STUDYPATH* October 19-23, 2009

In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.


Literary terms 41-50 from Elements of Literature, 4th Course will be reintroduced on Monday and Tuesday when textbooks are required in class with a test scheduled and to be announced. A "Letter to the Editor" writing assignment will accompany the short story "The Bet" and due dates will be announced in class.

Five talking points per chapter for Chapters Sixteen-Twenty of Catcher in the Rye are due on Friday for our usual class discussion. A test on Chapters these chapters will precede the class discussion.

Grammar assignment from English Workshop is scheduled for Wednesday, when books are due in class.

Vocabulary Workshop
Unit I-III cumulative review answers are due on Tuesday, and test is scheduled for Thursday in class; students should study the textbook to prepare.

Work on the Chavez speech and Clinton speech will be completed in class this week; multiple choice work for the persuasive secondary periodic assessment will also be completed. The Say-Mean-Matter graphic organizers for the Chavez speech will be assigned and transferred to the Reader/Writer notebooks.

Students who completed the Sojourner Truth essay online will be provided with their essays and scores; those who were unable to log in and complete the speech will be offered a score on an essay format yet to be decided.