Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Assignment Menu Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Assignments for Wednesday-Friday, November 29-December 1, 2006

1. Grammar Unit-Capitalization and Punctuation Mastery Tests in class work on Friday, December 1

2. Unit Seven Vocabulary Level E due on Friday, December 1; test Monday, December 4

3. Catcher in the Rye class discussion for Chapters 14-19 rescheduled to Wednesday (29) for Period Six only; Period Five discussion is Thursday (30); books are mandatory for discussion

4. Vantage Writing Lab scheduled for Marlowe-Raleigh-Housman poetry essay on Wednesday (29) for Period Five and Thursday (30) for Period Six

5. Cornell Notes on poetry (metrical feet, scansion, types of poetry) continues this week; save Cornell Notes for poetry test to be scheduled

6. Update on "The Wild Bay" and debate: collage rubric will be available soon for triad scoring; debate video is being edited and will be shown to classes soon--Period Five debate video will be screened unedited; Period Six debate video has been edited and will be screened as such

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Assignment Menu Monday, November 27, 2006

Assignments for Monday-Tuesday, November 27-28, 2006

1. Macbeth excerpt and "Youth in Love" poetry analyses are due Monday, November 27

2. Unit 4-6 Review for Vocabulary Level "E" is due Monday, November 27; test scheduled for Tuesday (28)

3. Catcher in the Rye class discussion for Chapters 14-19 rescheduled to Wednesday (29); books are mandatory for discussion

4. Vantage Writing Lab scheduled for Marlowe-Raleigh-Housman poetry essay on Wednesday (29) for Period Five and Thursday (30) for Period Six

5. Cornell Notes on poetry (metrical feet, scansion, types of poetry) continues this week

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Assignment Menu Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Assignments for Monday-Wednesday, November 27-29, 2006

1. Unit Four-Six Review Vocabulary Level "E" has been assigned and is due on Monday (27); test scheduled for Tuesday (28)

2. Chapters 14-19 for Catcher in the Rye class discussion scheduled for Monday (27)

3. Poetry for Marlowe-Raleigh-Housman in Vantage Lab using literary response rubric this week; Vantage Lab dates to be announced

4. "The Wild Bay" master rubric used by triads to score collages this week

5. Grammar to be assigned this week; activities to be announced in class

5. Poetry-metrical feet, scansion, types of poetry in class week of November 27; Cornell Notes will be scored

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Assignment Menu Monday, November 20, 2006

Assignments for Monday-Wednesday, November 20-22, 2006

1. Unit Six Vocabulary Level "E" tests have been scored and returned to students; vocabulary review on Units One-Six to be scheduled

2. Test Tuesday (21) on Chapters 14-19 for Catcher in the Rye; talking points and unfamilar vocabulary due on Tuesday (21); class discussion on Monday for Chapters 6-13 (see number 5)

3. Poetry for Marlowe-Raleigh-Housman handwritten in class this week; Vantage Lab to be scheduled with literary response rubric used to score essays during the week of November 27

4. "The Wild Bay" rubrics completed and used by students to score collages

5. The Catcher in the Rye class discussion postponed to Monday, November 20 because of Friday's very successful debate on capital punishment; congratulations to all debaters for their successful research and delivery strategies

5. OFF TRACK HOMEWORK to be scheduled first week in December; list of titles to be presented soon

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Assignment Menu Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Assignments for Wednesday-Friday, November 15-17, 2006

1. Unit Six Vocabulary Level "E" test today (15) in class; staple work to test

2. Test Monday (20) on Chapters 14-19 for Catcher in the Rye; talking points and unfamilar vocabulary due on Monday (20); class discussion on Thursday in class for Chapters 6-13

3. Poetry for Marlowe-Raleigh-Housman handwritten in class this week; Vantage Lab to be scheduled with literary response rubric used to score essays

4. "The Wild Bay" rubrics completed and used by students to score collages

5. Debate on Capital Punishment set for Friday; mock debate today (15) by teams from both classes; judge for P. 5 Ms. Cavalli; judge for P. 6 Mr. Lange; still photographs for school yearbook and debate to be videotaped

5. OFF TRACK HOMEWORK to be scheduled first week in December; list of titles to be presented soon

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Assignment Menu Monday, November 13, 2006

Assignments for Monday-Tuesday, November 13-14, 2006

1. Unit Six Vocabulary Level "E" due in class Monday (13)

2. Test Monday (13) on Chapters 6-13 for Catcher in the Rye; talking points and unfamilar vocabulary due on Monday (13)

3. Poetry for Marlowe-Raleigh-Housman handwritten in class this week; Vantage Lab to be scheduled with literary response rubric used to score essays

4. "The Wild Bay" rubrics completed and used by students to score collages

5. Debate on Capital Punishment set for Friday; mock debate on Thursday by teams from both classes; final list of equipment and supplies submitted by teams on Monday (13)

5. OFF TRACK HOMEWORK to be scheduled first week in December

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Assignment Menu Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Assignments for Wednesday-Friday, November 8-10, 2006

1. Students to begin composing hand-written essays for Marlowe-Raleigh-Housman poems; parking lot post-its shared with classes

2. Debate participants receive three twenty-minute preparation periods during classes on Monday-Thursday; Friday (10) is Veterans Day, a legal holiday

3. The Catcher in the Rye Chapters One-Five class discussion set for Thursday (10); ten talking points and unfamiliar vocabulary will be returned to students before discussion begins

4. Vantage Lab to be scheduled soon for poetry essay

5. Emily Dickinson poetry has been assigned as homework for Period Five due Wednesday (8); "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" poetry assigned as homework for Period Six and due Wednesday (8)

6. Triads explain collages for "The Wild Bay" on Thursday; rubrics developed by classmates for scoring of collages

Check this web log on Sunday evening for assignment updates

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Assignment Menu Monday, November 6, 2006

Assignments for Monday-Tuesday, November 6-7, 2006

1. Unit Five Vocabulary Level E exam on Monday (6)

2. Debate participants receive three twenty-minute preparation periods during classes on Monday-Thursday; Friday (10) is Veterans Day, a legal holiday

3. The Catcher in the Rye Chapters One-Five ten talking points and unfamiliar vocabulary are due beginning of class on Monday (6); chapters one-five reading comprehension quiz administered; next reading assignment set

4. Marlowe-Raleigh-Housman poetry continues Monday-Thursday; essay to be written in class after prewriting is completed; Cornell Notes on authors continues

5. Emily Dickinson poetry assigned as homework; due date is next day after assignment is issued

Check this web log on Tuesday evening for assignment updates