Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Assignment Menu Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Web log updated Sunday and Tuesday evenings; check back for assignment updates

Wednesday-Friday, November 1-3, 2006

1. Cell Phones-Pager and Should High School Start at 9:00 A.M. essays scored this weekend and returned to students

2. Unit Five Vocabulary twenty new words reviewed in class Wednesday (1); textbooks due in class today (1) with answers due on Thursday (2) and test scheduled for Friday (3)

3. "The Wild Bay" collages were due Friday (27); triads will present collages in preparation for letter grades on these differentiated assignments

4. Debate participants elected by secret ballot; winners for each class will begin to prepare materials for debate (protocols and date to be set)

5. Fahrenheit 451 books are being returned to textbook room

6. Begin reading The Catcher in the Rye; assignment for pages and chapters to be set by Wednesday (1) in class

7. Grammar lessons continue in class this week and next week


Sunday, October 29, 2006

Assignment Menu Monday, October 30, 2006

Web log updated Sunday and Tuesday evenings; check back for assignment updates

Monday and Tuesday, October 30 and 31, 2006

1. Vantage Writing Lab Monday/Tuesday (30-31) for Cell Phones-Pagers essay; prewriting on Monday and essay composed on Tuesday

2. Unit Five Vocabulary due Tuesday (31); test on Wednesday (1)

3. "The Wild Bay" collages were due Friday (27); triads will present collages in preparation for letter grades on these differentiated assignments

4. Debate participants elected by secret ballot; winners for each class will begin to prepare materials for debate (protocols and date to be set)

5. Fahrenheit 451 books are being returned to textbook room

6. Begin reading The Catcher in the Rye; assignment for pages and chapters to be set by Wednesday (1)


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Assignment Menu Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Assignments Wednesday-Friday October 25-27, 2006
Web Site Updated Sundays and Tuesdays


1. "The Wild Bay" collage is due on Friday (27)

2. Anthologies due in class Monday-Wednesday (23-25) for grammar; "No News From Auschwitz" Rosenthal (nonfiction); graphic organizer selection test due Wednesday (25)

3. "Should High School Start at 9:00 A.M.?" essay due either hard copy or on Vantage by Friday (27); prompt is available on Vantage (gomyaccess.com) with rubric and prewriting protocols

4. Turn in Fahrenheit 451 paperbacks starting Monday (23); The Catcher in the Rye Salinger to be checked out to both Periods Five and Six; assignment for novel by end of week

5. Parts of the Sentence grammar activities begin by end of week

6. Unit Four Vocabulary Workshop answers due in class Tuesday (24); test on Unit Four either Friday (27) or when students complete in-class Secondary Periodic Assessment

7. LAUSD Secondary Period Assessment on Persuasion in class for Periods Five and Six (two days) Wednesday-Thursday (25-26)

8. Classroom Debate on Capital Punishment protocols and propositions finalized by week's end; secret ballot vote on two AFF and two NEG speakers for debate; date of debate to be set

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Assignment Menu Monday, October 23, 2006

Assignments Monday-Tuesday October 23-24, 2006
Web Site Updated Sundays and Tuesdays

1. "The Wild Bay" collage is due on Friday (27)

2. Anthologies due in class Monday-Wednesday (23-25) for grammar; "No News From Auschwitz" Rosenthal (nonfiction)

3. "Should High School Start at 9:00 A.M.?" essay due either hard copy or on Vantage by Friday (27); prompt is available on Vantage (gomyaccess.com) with rubric and prewriting protocols

4. Turn in Fahrenheit 451 paperbacks starting Monday (23); The Catcher in the Rye Salinger to be checked out to both Periods Five and Six; assignment for novel by end of week

5. Parts of the Sentence grammar pretest has been administered to Period Six; Period Five will complete as early as Monday (23)

6. Unit Four Vocabulary Workshop answers due in class Monday (23); test Tuesday (24)

7. LAUSD Secondary Period Assessment on Persuasion in class for Periods Five and Six (two days) Wednesday-Thursday (25-26)

8. Classroom Debate on Capital Punishment protocols and propositions finalized; secret ballot vote on two AFF and two NEG speakers for debate; date of debate to be set

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Assignment Menu Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday October 18, 19, and 20

1. "Should High School Start at 9:00 A.M.?" essays are due (one copy only) on Friday, October 27

2. "The Wild Bay" collage for short story "Through the Tunnel" is due on Friday, October 27

3. "No News from Auschwitz" nonfiction by A.M. Rosenthal to be scheduled (textbooks are due in class all Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays)

4. Fahrenheit 451 film screening on Wednesday and Thursday, October 18 and 19

5. Substitute scheduled for Friday, October 20 (Mr. Carmicle in Burbank for LD4 ELA Meeting); bring Vocabulary Workshop on Thursday and Friday, October 19-20 for work on Unit Four Level "E" Vocabulary

6. Two examinations on Friday: Fahrenheit 451 Final Objective Exam and Vocabulary Exam

Period Two Code Word: Computer Screen

7. Parts of the Sentence Grammar activities continue after grammar pretest

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Assignment Menu Monday, October 16, 2006

Monday-Tuesday, October 16-17, 2006

1. Textbooks: Bring anthologies on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday; Fahrenheit 451 needed for Friday for objective final exam on novel; Vocabulary Workshop needed for corrections of Units One-Three Review before tests are administered Monday and/or Tuesday

2. "Hair" from Autobiography of Malcolm X and "No News From Auschwitz" nonfiction on Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday; graphic organizers and selection tests for both selections; see syllabus for differentiated assignments

3. "Through the Tunnel" Doris Lessing's short story: collage on "The Wild Bay" is due in class on Friday, October 27 (see previous year's student examples on counter)

4. Debate protocols and propositions' final drafts set this week; debaters chosen by secret ballot; tentative date for debate set; debaters given class time to prepare arguments and rebuttals

5. "Should High School Start at 9:00 A.M.?" prompt is available on Vantage; use your student log in and I.D. to access the essay; this essay may be completed using Vantage or by submission of typed hard copy submitted no later than Friday, October 27

6. School Junk Food and Violence in Video Games essays being returned this week to students; dialectical journals are being scored and all journals submitted on time should be returned by end of October; journals submitted late will be returned first part of November

7. LAUSD Secondary Performance Assessment Persuasive component window opens October 16 and closes October 27

8. Literary Terms 1-10 are assigned this week; grammar mastery test for parts of speech re-administered; parts of the sentence grammar pretest given before week's end

Period Two Code Word: roll book

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Assignment Menu Wednesday, October 10, 2006

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday October 11, 12, 13, 2006

1. School Junk Food final drafts (stapled on top of two triad drafts) are overdue

2. Violence in Video Games persuasive essays due Friday, October 13 (one copy)

3. Fahrenheit 451 Part III "Burning Bright" ten talking points and unfamiliar vocabulary due Friday, October 13

4. Anthologies are due in class today Wednesday (11) for "The Bet" debate propositions and debate protocol

5. SAS students return signed HHS progress reports for credit

6. Grammar pretest for Parts of the Sentence assigned this week

7. Vocabulary Level E Workshop Units One-Three review due Wednesday (11); fifty-point exam on Thursday (12)

8. Substitute Thursday (12); I will be at University of Southern California for Grade Ten Periodic Assessment planning

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Assignment Menu Monday, October 9, 2006

Monday and Tuesday, October 9-10, 2006

1. School Junk Food final drafts (stapled on top of two triad drafts) are due today (9)

2. Violence in Video Games persuasive essays due Friday, October 13 (one copy)

3. Fahrenheit 451 Part III "Burning Bright" ten talking points and unfamiliar vocabulary due Friday, October 13

4. "Through the Tunnel" Doris Lessing short story in class Monday and Tuesday (9-10); anthologies are due in class for three days: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (9-11)

5. SAS students return signed HHS progress reports for credit

6. Grammar pretest for Parts of the Sentence assigned this week

7. Vocabulary Level E Workshop Units One-Three review due Wednesday (11); fifty-point exam on Thursday (12)

8. Substitute Thursday (12); I will be at University of Southern California for Grade Ten Periodic Assessment planning

9. SAS folders inserted into portfolios during this week

10. "History of the Firemen" essay and Fahrenheit 451 Objective Final exams will be scheduled this week

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Assignment Menu Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Thank you for checking my web log!

Wednesday, October 4; Thursday, October 5; Friday, October 6

1. Meet Wednesday and Thursday in Vantage Lab to a) begin to prewrite the Letter to the Editor connected to Anton Chekhov's "The Bet"; this letter will lead to a class debate for Grade Ten Honors English and b) complete the final draft of Fahrenheit 451 Imitative Writing assignment based on the writing style of author Ray Bradbury

2. Unit Three vocabulary was corrected in class today; test on Thursday at beginning of class in Vantage Lab; study Unit Three vocabulary for a high score

3. Violence in Video Games persuasive essay prompt presented to students; deadline for essay is Friday, October 13 (one copy only)

4. School Junk Food persuasive essays exchanged in triads today; make constructive corrections and suggestions for return to students on Friday, October 6; final draft of essay stapled on top of two triad members' copies due Monday, October 9

5. Fahrenheit Friday; bring ten talking points and unfamilar vocabulary to class for Part II "The Sieve and the Sand"; students engage in class discussion