Sunday, November 25, 2012

STUDYPATH* November 26-30, 2012

In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.


Vocabulary Workshop Unit Seven responses are announced; test is scheduled tomorrow (postponed until Thursday)
Vocabulary Workshop Unit Eight responses are due; test date to be announced
Catcher in the Rye Comprehension Test B due today
Catcher in the Rye paper is due Friday, November 30 by 8:30 A.M. on web site; no late papers accepted
"Straw Into Gold" responses are due today (see previous week's STUDYPATH listing)
LA Times letter to the editor is due today
Anthologies are required in class today and tomorrow for literary terms
In-class timed writing prewriting from Perspectives in Multicultural Literature is scheduled

Vocabulary Workshop Unit Seven test (postponed until Thursday)
Anthologies are required in class
Multiple choice practice for the upcoming Secondary Periodic Assessment-Exposition is scheduled

Holt Grammar lesson is scheduled today
Catcher in the Rye paper is due Friday

LA Times letter to the editor is due today
In-class timed writing assignment is scheduled
Unit Seven Vocabulary Workshop test  is scheduled

Catcher in the Rye paper is due today on web site by 8:30 A.M.
Check STUDYPATH on Sunday evening for next week's assignments
Vocabulary Workshop Unit Eight test is scheduled Monday

Monday, November 19, 2012

STUDYPATH* November 19-23, 2012

In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.


Furlough Day-classes are not in session

Furlough Day-classes are not in session

Furlough Day-classes are not in session

Thanksgiving Day holiday-classes are not in session

Thanksgiving Day holiday-classes are not in session
Assignments due on Monday:
"Straw Into Gold" Sandra Cisneros; read pages 103-110 and complete Literary Focus: Allusion graphic organizer (page 104) and all questions, including the constructed response on page 110 (for underlining and circling instructions, copy the text on your paper and then underline and circle what the question requires) (thanks to two students who noticed the discrepancy of page numbers between two different versions of PIML)
Vocabulary Workshop Unit Eight responses
Comprehension Test "B" Catcher in the Rye
LA Times letter to the editor

Monday, November 12, 2012

STUDYPATH* November 12-16, 2012

In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.


Today is Veterans Day, a legal holiday, and classes are not in session

Anthologies are required in class today for literary terms
Vocabulary Workshop Units Four-Six review responses are due today; Unit Seven is due Friday in class
Catcher in the Rye talking points for Chapters 21-26 are due today (three talking points per chapter with at least one per chapter connected to a literary device)
Catcher in the Rye class discussion continues in class today

Sherman Alexie's "Superman and Me" from Perspectives in Multicultural Literature is scheduled as homework assignment due tomorrow
Problem-Solution final draft paper due by 8:00 A.M. this morning on web site
Holt Grammar assignment is postponed to tomorrow since MLK piece is scheduled as in-class writing assignment
Evaluating an Author's Argument paper is scheduled in class; deadline is end of class period (must be handwritten, except for students who decided to type paper)

LA Times letter to the editor is due
Sherman Alexie's "Superman and Me" homework is due today
Holt Grammar assignment is scheduled in class

Guest speaker Mr. Al Rice from the Durant Library (Los Angeles Public Library) discusses the literary works of author Sherman Alexie
Vocabulary Workshop Unit Seven responses are due today
Catcher in the Rye paper due on web site by 8:00 A.M. on Friday, November 30

Agenda Bin for Thanksgiving Week: (to be discussed in class this week)
Letter to the Editor
Vocabulary Workshop
Anthology reading assignment
PIML reading assignment

Sunday, November 04, 2012

STUDYPATH* November 5-9, 2012

In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.


Anthologies and reader/writer notebooks are due in class today and tomorrow for literary terms
Catcher in the Rye talking points for Chapters 14-19 are due today; class discussion is scheduled for Friday

Literary terms test is scheduled

Holt Grammar assignment is scheduled in class

LA Times letter to the editor is due today
Evaluating an Author's Argument revising is completed in class

Check STUDYPATH on Sunday evening for next week's assignments
Problem-Solution paper rewrite is due Tuesday, November 12 by 8:00 A.M. on web site
Vocabulary Workshop review units 4-6 responses are due Monday
Catcher in the Rye class discussion for Chapters 14-19 is scheduled today
Catcher in the Rye talking points for Chapters 20-26 are due Monday; three per chapter with at least one per chapter connected to a literary device