Sunday, May 09, 2010

STUDYPATH* May 10-14, 2010

In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.


Students continue practice for the Secondary Periodic Assessment-Literary Analysis by completing sample multiple choice items, identifying not only correct answers but justifying two or more skills necessary to successfully complete each item, including discussion of stems and answer choices.

To Kill A Mockingbird Chapters Twenty-One to Twenty-Five talking points are due in class on Friday for class discussion. Class discussion continues for both classes on Monday.

Jury duty research paper is assigned this week; students access OWL (Online Writing Lab) online to ascertain formatting and style requirements. An essay that precedes the jury duty research paper is assigned on and due on Friday.

Holt Grammar and English Workshop continues in class and as homework.

Unit Fourteen Vocabulary Workshop is due Thursday; test is scheduled for Friday before the class discussion.