Sunday, November 02, 2008

STUDYPATH* November 3-7, 2008

In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.



1. Unit Four Vocabulary Workshop answers due Thursday; test on Friday
2. Catcher in the Rye final essay timed writing in class Thursday; prewriting due Tuesday
3. Literary Terms in class; test to be scheduled
4. "Should High School Start at 9:00 A.M.?" essay due today; make certain spell-grammar check is used with no use of "you" or contractions
5. Grammar lesson in class
6. Poetry Unit begins

Tuesday (Shortened Day)

1. Secondary Periodic Assessment multiple-choice practice
2. Poetry Unit continues
3. Literary Terms in class; test on Wednesday
4. "The Bet" letter to the editor assigned; due Monday

1. Literary Terms test in class
2. Poetry Unit continues
3. Catcher in the Rye essay timed writing in class tomorrow; prewriting is mandatory and must be stapled behind essay
4. Unit Four Vocabulary Workshop answers due tomorrow; test on Friday

1. Unit Four Vocabulary answers due today; books required in class tomorrow
2. Catcher in the Rye final essay in class timed writing

1. Vocabulary Workshop Unit Four test today; books required in class
2. Multiple-choice practice for the Secondary Periodic Assessment
3. Grammar lesson in class
4. Weekend homework to be announced
5. New set of ten literary terms introduced
6. "The Bet" letter to the editor due Monday