Wednesday, February 20, 2008

STUDYPATH March 3-7, 2008


In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.

1. Semester Reflections
2. Syllabus Inquiry
3. Accelerated Reader Tests
4. Late Work Policy
5. Textbook Days: Elements of Literature, 4th Course MTW; Perspectives in Multicultural Literature MTW; Vocabulary Workshop M; Fahrenheit 451 F

Tuesday (Shortened Day)
1. Ray Bradbury biography
2. Perspectives in Multicultural Literature; Introduction to Literary Analysis
3. Shakespeare and the Elizabethan Age

1. Academic Vocabulary for Literary Analysis in Reader/Writer Notebook
2. Literary Analysis Essay (to be announced)
3. Elizabethan Theater and the Life of William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
4. Syllabus Inquiry due today

1. Fahrenheit 451 Part One "The Hearth and the Salamander" due today; ten thoughtful and thorough talking points for class discussion Friday
2. Practice for the Secondary Periodic Assessment Literary Analysis in Reader/Writer Notebook
3. Literary Analysis Essay due Friday

1. Literary Analysis Essay due today
2. Class discussion of Part One of Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451
3. Accelerated Reader Scores due today; no exceptions
4. Weekend homework to be announced