Sunday, June 18, 2006

Assignment Menu Monday, June 19, 2006


1. Students write reflective letter for this year's ninth graders who hope to enter SAS Honors 10A English
2. Lord of the Flies chapters five-ten reading completed this weekend and AP Long Form completed at home for the duration of the novel (approximately six instructional days remain); bring book to class daily
3. Caesar Selection Tests are worth 100 points each and all portions should be completed carefully and submitted
4. Antigone packets will be completed this week either in class or as homework and final grade provided
5. Outline for Lord of the Flies completed in class this week
6. Return HRW Textbook, English Workshop Textbook and Level "E" Vocabulary Workshop Textbook (after cumulative exam) so books can be returned to textbook room
7. Final Cumulative Examination Monday, June 19 (books to be returned to textbook room after exam)