In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
Getty Villa Museum pre-brief is scheduled for Monday, March 1 at 8:00 A.M. in the cafeteria; after the pre-brief students will board their respective bus with teacher and chaperones. Students participate in a debrief of the trip when they return to school after the field trip.
Holt Grammar assignments will be made in class this week with accompanying assignments from English Workshop textbooks.
The persuasive essay on Antony's funeral speech is due online on Tuesday, March 9. Use no contractions and no first or second-person pronouns when writing; features many devices such as spell check and my editor to assure an error-free essay and a high score. Rubric for this essay is available online at the web site by clicking the link to resources.
Antigone begins; students must bring anthologies to class Tuesday-Friday of this week.
Vocabulary Workshop Unit One-Nine test has been postponed to Friday, March 5. Students should study all nine units in preparation for this cumulative test. Unit Ten answers are due on Monday, March 15 with the unit test to be scheduled.