In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
No classes are in session on Monday, February 15, Presidents' Day, a legal holiday.
Students must submit work Tuesday from Vocabulary Workshop for pages related to Units Seven, Eight, and Nine. Complete all pages up to Unit Ten. The Unit One-Nine Cumulative test will be scheduled in class.
The movie ratings practice essay for the Secondary Periodic Assessment-Exposition is due Tuesday. The booklet should include the prewriting, the graphic organizer and the completed essay.
The diagnostic CAHSEE essay and multiple choice components must be completed in class today since essays will be scored during today's professional development. Multiple choice responses will be scored and available by the end of the week.
Holt Grammar assignments will be made in class this week.
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Acts IV and V will resume this week; the prompt for the essay of Antony's funeral speech will be distributed and a due date set.
The web site for the Getty Villa museum site will be discussed this week as students are prepared for the upcoming trip on March 1. Field trip slips are due and lunch tickets for March 1 are due as well.