In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
1. Carmicle Grade 10 HW1.pdf answers due date changed to Friday, September 26
2. Vocabulary Workshop Unit One answers due in class tomorrow; test scheduled for Wednesday
3. Catcher Fridays begin September 26; five talking points per chapter for Chapters One-Five due Friday for class discussion
4. "Why Johnny Can't Pass His Fitness Test" essays due today, Monday, September 22; no contractions, no "you," typed double spaced, correct paper standards as well as all other requirements as stated on the prompt and passage
5. Cornell Notes quiz to be scheduled this week
6. STAR Reading Level documents signed by parents due today
Tuesday (Shortened Day)
1. Unit One Vocabulary answers due in class; test tomorrow
2. Bring Vocabulary Workshop books to class tomorrow; Catcher in the Rye books in class Friday for class discussion
3. Grammar assignment in class
1. Unit One Vocabulary Workshop test; books due in class for Unit Two review after test
2. Cornell Notes to be announced
3. "Ain't I A Woman" Sojourner Truth nonfiction in class
4. Next ten literary terms reviewed and test date announced
1. Secondary Periodic Assessment-Clinton speech assigned as homework
2. Catcher in the Rye novels due tomorrow for class discussion; twenty-five talking points presented in class
3. "The Cold Equations" and "The Bet" essay prompts announced and deadlines set
4. Carmicle Grade 10 HW1.pdf answers due tomorrow
1. Twenty-five talking points and novels required in class today for Chapters One-Five class discussion of The Catcher in the Rye
2. Weekend homework to be announced