In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
1. Review Secondary Periodic Assessment (Persuasion); multiple-choice practice
2. Who/That/Which grammar due today; Unit ninety-two relative clauses classwork
3. "Why Johnny Can't Pass His Fitness Test" informal interviews due today
4. One-page summary of syllabus due today; purpose of syllabus, marks threshold, late work policy, and academic useful web site links to be included in summary
5. Cornell Notes on literal/figurative usage, synonyms and antonyms, and structure/context of vocabulary
1. (Persuasion) Secondary Periodic Assessment multiple-choice practice continues
2. Who/That/Which Unit ninety-two grammar due in class today
3. Cornell Notes for Vocabulary: synonyms, antonyms and context clues
1. Thank you Mr. Morales for visiting Honors English 10A class today to see how students learn; we appreciate your support and share your vision for success for our school and our students
2. Secondary Periodic Assessment multiple-choice skills (continued)
3. Downloaded Homework One due on September 19; see school's main web site for downloaded assignment; thorough and precise original responses are expected
4. Cornell Notes for synonyms, antonyms, and context clues (continued)
1. Weekend homework to be announced
2. Secondary Periodic Assessment multiple-choice skills (continued)
3. Cornell Notes continued
4. Persuasion Unit-"Ain't I A Woman" by Sojourner Truth; Frederick Douglass quickwrite