Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday October 18, 19, and 20
1. "Should High School Start at 9:00 A.M.?" essays are due (one copy only) on Friday, October 27
2. "The Wild Bay" collage for short story "Through the Tunnel" is due on Friday, October 27
3. "No News from Auschwitz" nonfiction by A.M. Rosenthal to be scheduled (textbooks are due in class all Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays)
4. Fahrenheit 451 film screening on Wednesday and Thursday, October 18 and 19
5. Substitute scheduled for Friday, October 20 (Mr. Carmicle in Burbank for LD4 ELA Meeting); bring Vocabulary Workshop on Thursday and Friday, October 19-20 for work on Unit Four Level "E" Vocabulary
6. Two examinations on Friday: Fahrenheit 451 Final Objective Exam and Vocabulary Exam
Period Two Code Word: Computer Screen
7. Parts of the Sentence Grammar activities continue after grammar pretest