Monday-Tuesday, October 16-17, 2006
1. Textbooks: Bring anthologies on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday; Fahrenheit 451 needed for Friday for objective final exam on novel; Vocabulary Workshop needed for corrections of Units One-Three Review before tests are administered Monday and/or Tuesday
2. "Hair" from Autobiography of Malcolm X and "No News From Auschwitz" nonfiction on Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday; graphic organizers and selection tests for both selections; see syllabus for differentiated assignments
3. "Through the Tunnel" Doris Lessing's short story: collage on "The Wild Bay" is due in class on Friday, October 27 (see previous year's student examples on counter)
4. Debate protocols and propositions' final drafts set this week; debaters chosen by secret ballot; tentative date for debate set; debaters given class time to prepare arguments and rebuttals
5. "Should High School Start at 9:00 A.M.?" prompt is available on Vantage; use your student log in and I.D. to access the essay; this essay may be completed using Vantage or by submission of typed hard copy submitted no later than Friday, October 27
6. School Junk Food and Violence in Video Games essays being returned this week to students; dialectical journals are being scored and all journals submitted on time should be returned by end of October; journals submitted late will be returned first part of November
7. LAUSD Secondary Performance Assessment Persuasive component window opens October 16 and closes October 27
8. Literary Terms 1-10 are assigned this week; grammar mastery test for parts of speech re-administered; parts of the sentence grammar pretest given before week's end
Period Two Code Word: roll book