In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
The Lesson of Ups
Show Up, Keep Up, Speak Up, Measure Up
Monday March 12
Literary terms 41-50 continue in class; test is scheduled Friday
To Kill A Mockingbird Chapters 6-10 are scheduled and novels are required in class; students exchange information and ideas with others through oral collaborative discussions; classroom discourse demonstrates close reading skills using dialectical journal responses with analysis of how novel's plot development relates to upcoming Project-Based Learning research on jury verdict fairness
Final mastery test for Vocabulary Workshop is scheduled in class Thursday
Tuesday March 13
Shakespeare's The Tempest Acts III and IV continue in class; anthologies are required in class
To Kill A Mockingbird class discussion continues in class from Monday, March 12
Wednesday March 14
William Shakespeare's The Tempest Acts III and IV continue in class; anthologies are required in class
Thursday March 15
Holt Grammar assignment is scheduled in class; textbooks are required in class
Final mastery test for Vocabulary Workshop is scheduled in class; vocabulary books are required in class but are not used for test
Friday March 16
Literary terms 41-50 test is scheduled in class
Check STUDYPATH over the weekend for next week's assignments and class information
Research is scheduled in the library April 16-20: Jury Verdict Fairness today vs. 1930's Alabama