In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
The Lesson of Ups
Show Up, Keep Up, Speak Up, Measure Up
Monday February 27
Students meet in the cafeteria for pre-trip activity after eating breakfast in Period One classrooms; Getty Villa Field Trip is scheduled for bus trip to Malibu
Tuesday February 28
Holt Grammar is scheduled in class; textbooks are required; Pages 401-403 Chapter Review A, B and C #1-50 due in class
Americanism "What are My Duties as a Citizen" papers are due on by 8:30 A.M. today; parent permits for competition are due by tomorrow
Unit Fourteen Vocabulary Workshop responses scored in class
Death Penalty Authors' Claims paper prewriting is scheduled all week
Lord of the Flies paper is scheduled and due online Tuesday, March 7 by 8:30 A.M.
Wednesday March 1
Parent permit letters for Americanism paper competition are due today in class
Death Penalty Authors' Claims paper prewriting is scheduled all week
Literary terms test 41-50 is scheduled in class
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar continues in class through Friday; anthologies are required in class
Lord of the Flies multiple choice assignment continues in class through tomorrow
Thursday March 2
Death Penalty Authors' Claims paper prewriting is scheduled all week
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar continues in class through Friday; anthologies are required in class
Lord of the Flies multiple choice assignment continues in class
Friday March 3
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar continues in class through Friday; anthologies are required in class
Funeral speech paper from The Tragedy of Julius Caesar due on web site March 13 by 8:30 A.M.
Lord of the Flies paper due Tuesday on web site by 8:30 A.M.
Death Penalty Authors' Claims paper prewriting is scheduled all week
Check STUDYPATH over the weekend for class information and next week's assignments
April 17-21 Hollywood High School Library for research paper preparation
Grade Ten IABs administration is scheduled March 20-24, 2017