Saturday, December 17, 2016

STUDYPATH* January 9-13, 2017

In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.


The Lesson of Ups
Show Up, Keep Up, Speak Up, Measure Up

Monday January 9
Responses for The Tragedy of Julius Caesar are due (hard copy) today
Outline for Introduction to Shakespeare and the Elizabethan Theatre is due (hard copy) today
(outline template and sample introduction will be posted on this blog)
Anthologies are required in class all week for The Tragedy of Julius Caesar

Outline for Holt Fourth Course Textbook Elements of Literature William Shakespeare
(Sample Template for Students)

I.                Robert Anderson wrote “William Shakespeare’s Life-A Biographical Sketch” for the textbook.
A.     More material has been written about Shakespeare and his works than any other writer in the world.
B.      No one realized that the actor and writer would become known as the world’s greatest playwright and poet.
C.     The neglect of years past has been corrected since we know more about him today than ever before.
D.     He was baptized on April 26, 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon, his hometown northwest of London.
                                                       1.      He was actually born a few days before his baptism according to public records.
                                                       2.      It is assumed his birthday is celebrated on April 23, possibly because he died on   that date in 1616.
E.      (Continue outlining)
F.      (Continue outlining)
G.     (Continue outlining)
H.     (Continue outlining)
I.       (Continue outlining)
II.               The Elizabethan Stage section features the theaters, the sets, the actors and the audience. (continue outlining)
III.              The play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, is the results of violence. (continue outlining)

IV.              Reading strategies are important to a student’s understanding of how to read Shakespeare. (continue outlining)



Follow these rules for finishing the outline of the assigned text.

I. Roman numerals are used for the main heading for each of the sections to be outlined.
A.  Read each paragraph and determine its main idea (that idea goes here).
1.  If there is enough information in the paragraph to support the idea in A. then list it here.
2.  In an outline, a 1. cannot exist without a 2. so make sure both 1. and 2. support A.
B.  An A. cannot exist by itself so a B. is necessary; find another idea in the same paragraph and put it here.
1.  A. 1. and 2 is not always needed.; sometimes a B. or even an A. can exist by themselves without 1. 2. 3., etc.
2.  Make sure the indenting of topics and subtopics is lined up.

Tuesday January 10
Anthologies are required in class all week for The Tragedy of Julius Caesar
Holt Grammar textbooks are required in class for Spelling pp. 385-388 Exercise 5 and Review B

Wednesday January 11
Anthologies are required in class all week for The Tragedy of Julius Caesar
In-class assignment from NYT Upfront is scheduled
Literary terms from the anthology are scheduled in class

Thursday January 12
Letter to the Editor #7 is due by 8:30 A.M. on web site today
As announced in class for two days, Unit Ten Vocabulary Workshop responses are due in class today

Friday January 13
Check STUDYPATH over the weekend for next week's assignments and class information
Opening day bulletin signed document is due today

Getty Villa Museum visit is scheduled February 27 (adult parent chaperones are needed)