In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
The Lesson of Ups
Show Up, Keep Up, Speak Up, Measure Up
Monday February 1
Cartoon analysis and photo analysis from Upfront NYT assigned and due Wednesday in class as hard copy
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar funeral speech paper is due by 8:30 A.M. today on web site (postponed from last week)
Acts IV and V of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar is scheduled in class; anthologies are required for scene re-enactments
Vocabulary Workshop review unit test is scheduled for Units One-Nine; Vocabulary Workshop Unit Ten responses are due Thursday in class
Tuesday February 2
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Acts IV and V continue in class all week
Wednesday February 3
Holt Grammar textbooks are required in class for grammar assignment
Thursday February 4
Vocabulary Workshop Unit Ten responses are due in class; text is scheduled tomorrow
Friday February 5
Vocabulary Workshop Unit Ten test is scheduled
Letter to the Editor #9 (LA Times or Wall Street Journal) is due next Wednesday, February 10 by 8:30 A.M. on web site
To Kill A Mockingbird novels checked out from textbook room; reading assignment is scheduled and dialectical journals assigned
Research paper for Grade Ten Honors English is due April 1, 2016; library scheduled days for research are March 9, March 10 and March 11
Pre-AP Readings and Exercises literary terms and rhetorical devices
FDR inauguration speech paper
Resiliency unit continues