In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
The Lesson of Ups
Show Up, Keep Up, Speak Up, Measure Up
Monday October 26
Chavez Argument Logical Fallacies paper due today by 8:30 A.M. on web site
In a well-written paper using evidence and commentary to support your thesis statement, identify the author's intent, the audience the speech was written for, the tone of the speaker, the structure of the speech and the credibility of Chavez' argument, citing any loaded works or logical fallacies that weaken the effectiveness of that argument.
Catcher in the Rye class discussion is scheduled; novels are required in class today and tomorrow
Vocabulary Workshop Unit Five test is scheduled; Unit Six responses are due Thursday and test is scheduled Friday
Interim Assessment rewrites scored and returned to students
Literary terms and rhetorical devices continue in class
Getty Field Trip writing assignment and trip reflection papers returned to students
Tuesday October 27
Catcher in the Rye class discussion concludes in class; novels are required in class
UPFRONT homework activity is assigned (postponed from last week)
Wednesday October 28
Holt Grammar is scheduled in class; textbooks are required in class
Thursday October 29
Fahrenheit 451 film screening Day Two is scheduled
Friday October 30 Pep Rally Special Bell Schedule
Vocabulary Workshop Unit Six test is scheduled before F451 film screening
Fahrenheit 451 film screening concludes in class
Check STUDYPATH over the weekend for next week's assignments and class information
Agenda Bin:
Lord of the Flies novel assigned and dialectical journals due date scheduled
"The Standard of Living" Dorothy Parker writing assignment
FDR Inaugural speech paper assigned and due date scheduled