Saturday, February 02, 2013

STUDYPATH* February 4-8, 2013

In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.


Preparation for the Secondary Periodic Assessment-Exposition continues in class today and tomorrow
Act III and Act IV of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar handouts are due Monday, February 11
Complete reading check in anthology for Act III and Act IV of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar and submit Monday, February 11
Patriotism prewriting continues in class for Friday's in-class timed writing
Anthologies are not due in class this week
Grammar clauses assignments are scheduled in class today and tomorrow

Secondary Periodic Assessment-Exposition preparation continues

Secondary Periodic Assessment Day One

Secondary Periodic Assessment Day Two
Letter to the editor is due today

"Is Patriotism a Commitment" timed writing in class (this in-class assignment has been postponed to Monday-Tuesday of next week)
Caesar handouts are due Monday; anthologies are due in class next week
Check STUDYPATH on Sunday evening for next week's assignments