In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
Act V of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar concludes in class. The Mark Antony funeral speech essay is due on site by Tuesday, March 8 at 11:59 P.M.
Students will write a response for the Act III test in class today.
Vocabulary Workshop Unit Ten answers are due Friday; test is scheduled for Monday.
Sophocles' Antigone is introduced in class; students must bring anthologies from home today for reading and writing assignment.
Meet in the cafe for the field trip to the Getty Villa Museum in Malibu. You may use your breakfast ticket before 8:00 A.M. and pick up your lunch if you provided a lunch ticket last week. No gum or pens are permitted at the Getty Villa; backpacks may not be taken off the bus. Other directions and information will be provided as you check in and are assigned a teacher docent.
Julius Caesar film screening Part I is scheduled for today.
Julius Caesar film screening Part II is scheduled for today.
Vocabulary Workshop Unit Ten responses are due today; test is scheduled for Monday.
Weekend homework will be assigned.