In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
The screening of Truffaut's Fahrenheit 451 will be shown Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in class. Vocabulary for the first part of the book will be reviewed briefly; definitions, parts of speech, syllabication, and diacritical markings will be due on Tuesday; test is scheduled for Wednesday in class, with spelling a critical component. Any unfinished class discussion on Part Three "Burning Bright" will be completed on Monday.
Students will read The Tragedy of Julius Caesar over the break completing various assignments that will be announced in class, including outlining portions of the prewriting assigned.
Students will complete and organize portfolios before week's end so that assignments are in order for review and scoring.
The Fahrenheit 451 "History of the Firemen" essay is due Monday. Follow directions on the prompt paper that was completed with prewriting annotations. The final test for the novel is scheduled before the end of this week.
"Finding the Right Key" lesson will be reviewed by Learning Team members and returned to students with a score.
Secondary Expository Assessment-Exposition multiple choice test taking skills will be assigned in class this week.