In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
1. Check teacher pages for homework assignments
2. Read the remainder of the short story "The Cold Equations"; download homework one and answer in detail (typed or or lined paper) Questions #1-6 due Friday, September 18
3. Cornell Notes on Bloom's Taxonomy and Vocabulary Workshop Skills continue
4. Textbook Days: Anthology (Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday); Vocabulary Workshop (Thursday); Novel (Friday)
Tuesday (Shortened Day)
1. Late work policy
2. Cornell Notes class orientation continues
3. Literary terms assigned; see teacher pages for specifics
1. Vantage Writing Lab orientation date to be announced
2. Cornell Notes class orientation continues
3. "The Cold Equations" differentiated assignment--"Changing the Ending" to be announced
4. Secondary Periodic Assessment-Persuasion (multiple choice practice)
1. Vocabulary Workshop assignment to be announced
2. Literary terms test tomorrow
1. Literary terms test
2. Weekend homework to be announced