1. The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Act I William Shakespeare
2. Forster's "Julius Caesar" questions on meaning and vocabulary due today; students may turn in this assignment on Tuesday
3. Unit Nine Vocabulary Workshop due today
1. Unit Nine Vocabulary Workshop test today
2. The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Act I continued (books are mandatory)
3. Grammar Part of Speech from Language Handbook
5. California High School Exit Examination-English
NOTE: Good luck to Honors SAS 10th Graders as they complete the California High School Exit Examination
1. The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Act I continued and "What Happens in Act I" handout; textbooks in class are mandatory
2. Grammar Verbs Parts of Speech from Language Handbook cont'd (homework assigned)
3. California High School Exit Examination-Mathematics
1. Complete Unit Ten Vocabulary Workshop by Monday; test on Tuesday
2. Grammar Adverbs Parts of Speech from Language Handbook cont'd
3. Literature Terms One-Ten from textbook
4. The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Act I in class (textbooks are mandatory)
1. The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Act I Test in class (textbooks are mandatory)
2. Preparation for Secondary Periodic Assessments: Exposition and Lit. Analysis
3. Weekend homework TBA