In-class assignment menus supersede web logs.
1. Tom Godwin’s “The Cold Equations” continues Monday-Wednesday.
2. "Why Johnny Can't Pass His Fitness Test" essay is due this Friday, 9/15.
3. Vocabulary Workshop Unit One is due Monday, 9/11; test on Tuesday 9/12
4. Grammar: Parts of Speech-Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs in class and homework
5. HONORS: Student summer assignment dialectical journals are being scored and will be returned to students. Late journals’ scores will be lowered.
6. Incomplete course work surveys assigned as homework; due Friday 9/15
7. HONORS: Course syllabus distributed and reviewed; begin differentiated assignments
8. Fahrenheit 451 Bradbury and The Catcher in the Rye Salinger to be assigned
Textbook Days: Elements of Lit M-T-W; Level E Vocabulary Th-F