1. Units Fifteen and Review Thirteen-Fifteen Vocabulary Workshop due Friday, June 9 (see work matrix for page numbers)
2. Complete all Caesar Selection Tests (any unfinished portions) by Friday, June 9 and submit for grade; these are worth 100 points each and could significantly increase your overall grade if completed carefully
3. Antigone handouts completed and turned in; also return all literary terms handouts provided this semester
4. Summer Reading Choices matrix is completed in class; AP Long Form assignment worksheet reviewed and form provided
5. Honors English Class Period Four meets in cafeteria Thursday, June 8 to meet with counselor for eleventh grade programming of classes
6. Lord of the Flies extra credit handouts due by Friday, June 9; Chapters One, Two, Three read in class by end of week; independent reading assigned on Friday, June 9
7. Reflective letters to prospective tenth-graders written in class this week; collate and organize work in folders for letter