Current and upcoming assignments for Honors English Ten students:
1. Catcher in the Rye talking points for incremental chapter assignments; chapters one-five, chapters six-ten, chapters seven-fourteen, and end of novel chapters; reading comprehension quizzes for each incremental unit; vocabulary from the novel taken on post-it notes
2. Unit Six and Seven Vocabulary Workshop Units; tests on each unit after practice activities
3. Capital Punishment debate proposals finalized; debate on Friday, December 2 with two AFF and two NEG participants; resolutions and defense evidence due Monday, November 28
4. Collage project scheduled for Lessing's "Through The Tunnel"; collages due November 14 and are assigned at fifty point scores with five bonus points for collages explained to classmates
5. Poetry Selections: "Youth and Love" Stevenson; excerpt from Macbeth Shakespeare; Forms of Poetry: Ballad, popular and literary; ballade; blank verse; couplet; limerick; octave; quatrain; quintet; rondeau; roundel; septet; sestet; sestina; sonnets
6. Grammar Unit-parts of speech; subject-verb agreement