SAS Honors English Ten Students:
1. Prepositions; Conjunctions and Interjections: Grammar-English Workshop and upcoming test on Unit Review-Parts of Speech (study all returned work and related pages in English Workshop text)
2. Periodic Assessment Grade Ten Instructional Component Persuasion-practice Monday and Tuesday and assessment administered Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of this week
3. Writing Prompt-Fahrenheit 451 vocabulary spelling and definition test-complete both handouts of vocabulary activities
4. Debate-Capital Punishment vs. Life Imprisonment debate participants chosen; debate propositions finalized; debate schedule set
5. Monday-rewrite the first draft of PHBAO letter invitation to parents; include date, place, time, discussion topics, and paper standards, title, and margin observance rules; second draft must be stapled on top of first draft and cannot be signed by parents until teacher approves rewrite
6. Unit One-Three Review and upcoming test on all vocabulary learned in first three units
7. Accelerated Reader book choices and point awards discussion; deadlines set
9. Agenda Bin: Winter work includes three novels/plays and introduction to AP Short Form; One Hundred Words Often Misspelled Grammar Packet; Five Prompts including Persuasive, Narrative, and Expository writing domains; (more to come)